Remove the Barriers
We understand the barriers between writing and sending and are here to help.
Don’t have someone’s address?
We’ve come up with a simple solution for gathering addresses: every collection comes with a pre-written card asking folks to send their address. Simply take a photo and send a text blast out to loved ones, friends, acquaintances, family, and anyone else on your list to receive some pick-me-up snail mail.
Don’t have stamps?
With each purchase you have the option for your envelopes to come pre-stamped, conveniently and affordably.
You have bad handwriting?
We think that, sometimes, the authenticity of a handwritten note means deciphering the chicken scratch. It adds to the beauty of the experience!
You don’t have time.
We get it. In our “busy, busy” culture it often feels that we don’t have 10 extra minutes. We challenge you to sit down, phone-free, for 10 minutes every Friday to say thanks to someone in your life. It turns out the recipient is not the only one who benefits.
Don’t know who to thank?
Thank your friend for being born, thank someone junior to you at work for all s/he does, thank your mentor for all the advice, thank a nurse, doctor, or grocery store clerk for all that they do, thank your mom… well, thank her for most everything. Here are some suggestions…
- Thank a grocery store clerk that brings a smile to the faces of each customer, with a mask on their face everyday. Don’t have their address? Send it to the store with “Attn: Steve” and we guarantee it’ll make their day.
- Thank your favorite post office worker. Despite the fear of losing their jobs and benefits, they’ve been working hard to deliver your packages and mail for months.
- Thank your favorite local restaurant. Try sending a card AND purchasing take out to put a smile on their face and help boost their business.